- fault
- недостаток; повреждение; неисправность; порок; изъян; дефект; разлом; разрыв; трещина; авария; ошибка; недочёт; промах; эл. короткое замыкание; спад напряжения вследствие непредусмотренного контакта; "утечка" заряда или напряжения; сброс; сдвиг; вина; проступок; выход из строя (напр. агрегата); любое условие, вызывающее частичную или полную неработоспособность или неправильное функционирование аппаратных средств; II совершать проступок; сделать ошибку- fault analyzer - fault annunciation panel - fault avoidance - fault backup - fault clearance - fault clearing - fault clearing time - fault condition - fault containment - fault correction time - fault coverage estimation - fault definition - fault density - fault detection machine - fault detection phase - fault detection system - fault detection test - fault diagnosis of machine tools - fault diagnosis program - fault diagnostics - fault display - fault event - fault finder - fault finding - fault frequencies - fault fringes - fault generation - fault grader - fault handling - fault identification - fault inception - fault indicating lamp - fault indication - fault indication system - fault indicator - fault injection - fault intolerance - fault investigation - fault isolating - fault isolation testing - fault lamp - fault liability - fault light - fault limits - fault location - fault locator - fault lookup - fault message - fault monitoring - fault of construction - fault power - fault prediction - fault protection - fault rate - fault relay - fault removal - fault safety - fault signaling - fault to frame - fault tolerance - A/C fault - accidental fault - active fault - AND-bridge fault - antiphase boundary fault - appearance fault - arcing fault - arcing ground fault - assembly fault - automatically repair fault - band fault - be at fault - benign fault - bridging fault - cable fault - close-in fault - component fault - contact fault - core-to-core fault - correct a fault - correlated faults - coupling fault - dead earth fault - delay fault - design fault - disconnection fault - dormant fault - double-ground fault - earth fault - external fault - flatness fault - floating gate fault - functional fault - grievous fault - ground fault - hard fault - hardware fault - hidden fault - induced fault - interaction fault - interactive fault - isolate faults - latent fault - line-to-ground fault - man-made fault - manufacturing fault - marginal fault - open fault - permanent fault - pipe fault - pitching fault - predicted fault - rectify faults - related fault - self-clearing fault - single fault - soft fault - solid fault - stuck-at fault - stuck-on fault - sustained fault - testable fault - timing fault - tool fault - transient fault - undetectable fault - untestable fault - worst-case fault - weak-current arcing fault - with all faults
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению. 2014.